Online teacher training courses

Jonathan Yang

Learning online has never looked so good!!


– Start ANYTIME and go at your own pace! 

– 6 months access to work your way through the content

– Combine any of these online courses and any of our heart-to-heart in person courses to a total of 300hrs to receive an EOL 300hr Teacher Training Certificate!

What our students say

Essence of Living Training Academy has added immeasurable value to my life.

All the bending and stretching and moving and flexing in Michelle’s lessons, transformed me into an adaptable, strong and self-supported individual, who can now ignite those qualities in others.

Over the last 3 years within the essence community my personal yoga practice has deepened, and my overall quality of life has been greatly enhanced.

Throughout this journey I have been gifted the opportunity to reflect on the company I keep, the foods I eat, and how I approach each aspect of my life.

Essence of living has provided me with a safe space to explore, breathe, learn and grow.

I have made friendships during the teacher trainings that have continued to flourish, and I am truly grateful for the community of students and teachers who continually evolve and learn from each other.

Thank you, to Michelle and her words of wisdom.


Michelle Cassidy

50hr Patanjali Yoga Sutra

The Essence of Living Patanjali (50hr) Course allows you to dive deeper into the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. You will unpack them, dissect them & understand them with the guidance of a teacher. Over five weeks, you can lose yourself in the wisdom of the sages with like minded lovers of ancient philosophy.

Includes the study of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, 196 Sutras compiled into four chapters;

Samadhi Pada | Sadhana Pada| Vibhuti Pada | Kaivalya Pada

and how to intellectualise and then integrate these ancient teachings into a practical and useful system for life.

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Michelle Cassidy

25hr Roll & Release 

The Essence of Living Roll & Release (25hr) Course is for those wanting to gain a deeper understanding of anatomy and physiology and how to utilise trigger point balls and a yoga block to facilitate ‘myofascial release.’

This is one of our online offerings that you take at your own pace. You have 6 months to go through the content.

This course is designed so that by the end you have enough understanding and confidence to run a ‘roll and release’ style class and/or incorporate this methodology into private sessions with your clients. This will build on your understanding gained through either a Yoga or Pilates teacher training course, but is also open to general practitioners.

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Michelle Cassidy

The Art & Science of Meditation

Are you a yoga teacher wanting to facilitate meditation retreats and classes that will support your student's spiritual growth?

We are offering an advanced meditation teacher training course open to all practitioners wanting to deepen their own knowledge and practice in the vast ocean of meditation tools and techniques used by the sages.

Expand your earning potential and inspire your teaching.

Not a teacher? This course is also incredible for the student wishing to dive deeper into the art and science of meditation in order to improve the quality of your life!

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Michelle Cassidy

25hr Yoga History & Philosophy 

Are you interested in learning more about yoga beyond the asana? Want to learn more about the history and philosophy of yoga and understand the true intention of the practice well beyond achieving a handstand and touching your toes?

We are offering an in-depth discovery to the vast ocean of yoga’s history and philosophy that will give you the fundamental pillars of yogic practices and principles that have guided endless sages, saints, seers and mystics. This course is available and accessible to all practitioners wanting to explore and unlock the true potential that the practice offers beyond the asana. Perfect for beginners and committed practitioners alike.

Go deeper and reach higher all at the same time.

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